#!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ checkconfig() { if [ ! -f /etc/conf.d/utm5_rfw.conf ] ; then eerror "You will need an /etc/conf.d/utm5_rfw.conf." return 1 fi . /etc/conf.d/utm5_rfw.conf # Checking for valid shell for supplied user. SHELL=`grep ^$USERNAME: /etc/passwd | awk -F : '{print $7}'` if [ -z "$SHELL" ] ; then eerror "Supply user with valid shell in /etc/conf.d/utm5_rfw.conf." return 1 fi # This is durty and assumes that shell is in /bin directory. But in most cases this is true. shell_exist=false rm -f /tmp/tmp.shells ; grep "^/bin/" /etc/shells > /tmp/tmp.shells while read shell do if [ "$shell" = "$SHELL" ] ; then shell_exist=true fi done < /tmp/tmp.shells if [ "$shell_exist" = "false" ] ; then eerror "Supply user with a valid shell in /etc/conf.d/utm5_rfw.conf." return 1 fi if [ "$shell_exist" = "true" ] ; then return 0 fi eerror Init script error? Please submit a report at support@netup.ru. } start() { checkconfig || return 1 ebegin "Starting utm5_rfw" . /etc/conf.d/utm5_rfw.conf if [ -z "$GROUPNAME" ] ; then GROUPID=`grep ^$USERNAME: /etc/passwd | awk -F : '{print $4}'` GROUPNAME=`grep :$GROUPID: /etc/group | awk -F : '{print $1}'` fi LOG_FILENAME=`grep "log_file_main" /etc/utm5/rfw5.cfg | grep "=" | awk -F= '{print $2}'` if [ ! -f $LOG_FILENAME ] ; then mkdir -p `dirname $LOG_FILENAME` touch $LOG_FILENAME chown $USERNAME:$GROUPNAME $LOG_FILENAME fi # Checking the possibility to write in log file. if ! `/bin/su $USERNAME -c "/bin/echo \">>>\" \`date\` Starting utm5_rfw. >> $LOG_FILENAME"` then eerror "Can not write into $LOG_FILENAME. Please check permitions." fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/netup/utm5/lib" /bin/su $USERNAME -c "/netup/utm5/bin/utm5_rfw $ARGS -c /etc/utm5/rfw5.cfg >> $LOG_FILENAME 2>&1 &" eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping utm5_rfw" killall -s 9 utm5_rfw eend $? }