# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 inherit games eutils versionator MY_PV=$(replace_all_version_separators '_' ) #MY_PV=$(replace_version_separator '_' ) MY_P="${PN}_${MY_PV}" DESCRIPTION="Freespace2 SCP" HOMEPAGE="http://scp.indiegames.us/" SRC_URI="http://swc.fs2downloads.com/builds/${MY_P}.tgz" #http://freespace.pl/hosted/foxer/gtva_ico/gtva.ico #iconos: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=44371.20 #SRC_URI="http://swc.fs2downloads.com/builds/${PN}_3_6_10.tgz" # videos? ( http://fszmirror.com/files/FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp )" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} LICENSE="fs2_open" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" #IUSE="mediavps speech videos yal" IUSE="babylon freespace2 inferno speech" RESTRICT="mirror" RDEPEND="media-libs/libogg >=media-libs/libsdl-1.2 media-libs/libvorbis media-libs/libtheora media-libs/openal virtual/opengl || ( ( media-libs/mesa x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXau x11-libs/libXdmcp x11-libs/libXext ) virtual/x11 ) freespace2? ( =games-action/freespace2-mediavps-${PV} games-action/freespace2-data ) babylon? ( games-action/babylon-mediavps )" # yal? ( games-action/fs2_launcher )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" dir=${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN} pkg_setup() { if useq babylon && useq freespace2 ; then eerror "Error: 'freespace2' and 'babylon' USE flags cannot both be enabled!" die fi # if use babylon && ! use inferno; then # elog "Please, for full advantage of TBP mod, enable inferno useflag too!" # die # fi } if useq freespace2 ; then FS2DATA=${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/freespace2 fi if useq babylon ; then FS2DATA=${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/babylon fi src_compile() { chmod +x ${S}/autogen.sh ${S}/autogen.sh 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ -x ./configure ]; then econf \ $(use_enable speech ) \ $(use_enable inferno ) fi if [ -f Makefile ] || [ -f GNUmakefile ] || [ -f makefile ]; then emake || die "emake failed" fi } src_install() { exeinto "${dir}" newexe code/${PN}_r ${PN} || die if useq babylon || useq freespace2; then games_make_wrapper ${PN} "${dir}"/${PN} "${FS2DATA}" fi # if useq videos ; then # insinto "${FS2DATA}/data/" # doins "${DISTDIR}"/FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp || die # fi dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING NEWS README FS2OpenSCPReadMe.doc newicon code/freespace2/app_icon.png fs2_open.png #newicon /usr/portage/distfiles/gtva.ico fs2_open.ico make_desktop_entry ${PN} "${DESCRIPTION}" fs2_open prepgamesdirs if use babylon && ! use inferno; then elog "Please, for full advantage of TBP mod, enable inferno useflag too and rebuild!" fi }